
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sleep It Off

There is something to be said for the twilight hours. The house is quiet. My children, husband and dog all slumber. But, I relish uninterrupted peace. Requests for fruit snacks, Handy Manny, and PBJs are silenced for a blissful 10 hours. It is time just for me. I write, listen to Pink Floyd, watch CNN, chat with FB friends, read, or scan the latest news online. Before two shakes of a lamb’s tail, it is 1:30 am. My wake-up alarm goes off at 6:00 am. Crap! I cannot turn back the clock. All I can hope for is one steaming-hot, venti-size coffee before walking my daughter to the bus stop at 8:00 a.m.

This growing trend of too-little-sleep is catching up with me. The signs are everywhere. Last night, I sloughed through my 30-minute elliptical workout at a turtle-slow pace of 7-8 mph. Before the holidays I blasted through at about 10-11 mph. Next, I have less discipline resisting unhealthy food choices. The unhealthy food choices add to my feelings of fatigue and lethargy. Also, I am experiencing greater challenges recalling names, slight schedule changes, and minor action items. Finally, my children, husband and dog are not fans of my crankitude.

Clearly, I need to add more sleep as a resolution for 2011. More sleep means more energy to build and maintain a strong body with stamina to play with my children, ice skate and party like crazy on Super Bowl Sunday. I also have a more wakeful mind with the ability to better remember names of new friends, information requests and commitments. Finally, more sleep is a healthier spirit because I am a more attentive and active wife, mom, sister, cousin, niece, aunt, in-law, classroom volunteer, friend, neighbor, global thinker, advocate, writer, music lover, moviegoer, reader, student, and Detroit Red Wings fan.