
Monday, December 19, 2011


My shoes are more than just accessories in my closet, accents for my feet or eye candy for date nights with my husband. They all serve a function. Some give me boost when extra inches are required. Others keep me grounded. More protect from harsh conditions and jerks. Then, there are my treads for running distances and traversing uneven terrain.
There are days when I'd like to wear someone else's shoes for a block or two. Those red, three-inch, knee-highs I saw this morning at the bus stop sure would be the ticket. If you're like me, a new stylish pair of shoes on the feet of a friend or on the clearance rack at DSW makes my adrenalin surge.
What would it be like to see the world standing in those cheetah-motif stilettos? Only the friend or stranger wearing them really knows. So, what shoes are you wearing today? I have yet to put mine on.